Our work

  • SDG workshops

    Workshops focused on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project is supported by "Bærekraftsstøtta" of The Norwegian Children and Youth Council/Landsrådet for Norges barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner (LNU). Want a visit from us? Contact us.

  • Intercultural sustainability

    Intercultural events for sustainability, where we arrange lectures, workshops, clean-up campaigns and communal meals with a focus on inclusion, diversity and sustainability. The project is partly funded by The Directorate of Integration and Diversity, iMDI.


    Street activism held by local chapters, where we focus on the reality of different world issues. Most of the time it is focused on the reality of farmed animals, but also the reality of fast fashion and other cause areas.

  • Deep sea mining

    As one of the first countries in the world, the Norwegian government has decided to open our vulnerable deep seas to mining. The decision has been taken without us knowing enough about the consequences for life in the sea. Read more here.

  • Stop Whaling

    Almost all countries have banned whaling, but there are still 3 countries in the world which still do commercial whaling, Norway being one of them. Our goal is to end whaling in Norway. There is a petition available to share and sign and you can also get active on the project.

  • Vegansnappen

    Vi er en Norsk snapkanal med fokus på vegansk livsstil. Legg oss til på snapchat for 100% grønn inspirasjon 👻💚 snapchat.com/add/vegansnappen. Om du vil lese mer eller være med, trykk her.


    Multiple local chapters have ocean clean-ups as one of their activities. To clean an area of marine pollution is good for nature, animals and humans. You get to do a little good for the local ecosystem and at the same time connect with fellow like-minded people.

  • The WSH conference

    The conference is aiming to bring together people and organisations who work within environmentalism, animal rights and human rights. Held last in April 2024. Next one in he planning phase.

  • #plukkenpose

    A campaign which in English would be #pickabag, meaning to pick a bag of trash. Thousands of bags of trash have been filled up since we started the project and it’s helping keeping nature clean a little here and there. Better for nature, animals and humans. Want to join? Pick a bag of trash in your area and feel free to post on social media to inspire others with #plukkenpose.

  • Self Care

    Self care

    It’s in our organisational culture to take care of ourselves and each other, therefore we arrange a lot of self care type events which is focused on community building, workshops, cabin trips, sauna and cold baths, hikes and other events focus on taking care of volunteers in World Saving Hustle. Have a new self care event idea? Let us know!

  • Sanctuary volunteering

    We have volunteer days or so called “dugnads” at all of the animal sanctuaries in Norway. An animal sanctuary is a place where animals are brought to live and to be protected for the rest of their lives. We do these volunteer days both to help the animals and the people running the sanctuaries, and it’s also an amazing way to practise self care for activists as well.

  • Talks and workshops

    We host several talks and workshops for schools, universities, companies, at festivals and more. Topics can be broad within environmentalism, animal rights and human rights. Feel free to contact us if you want a visit from somebody from WSH.

  • Social media awareness

    We use social media to spread the word about important causes, connect with our community, and make a positive impact on policies. It’s one way of getting our message out there and drive change! We try out different strategies and collaborate with a variety of influencers and other organisations. If you have suggestions for collaborations and content, let us know.

  • Supporting others

    A big part of WSH is also to support other NGOs and individuals who do good for nature, animals and humans. One example is supporting the human rights organisation A21 in their yearly demonstration against slavery. Being a part of WSH means doing a lot of WSH activism, but also participating in supporting other. If you want our support, feel free to reach out!

  • The Vegan Challenge (on pause)

    The Vegan Challenge encourages people to try eating vegan food for 22 days. The goal is to make the trial period as easy as possible. The challenge focuses on delicious food and recipes. The Vegan Challenge started in 2018 in Norway, and thousands of Norwegians have participated. When you sign up, you have the opportunity to have a mentor who assists you, completely free of charge.